Services for Corporations and Institutions

Investment Banking

Carter, Terry & Company, Inc. has an excellent investment banking record of helping companies with early stage financings through private placements. In addition to private placements, we offer our investment banking clients the following services for both public and private companies:

  • Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Advisory Services
  • Valuations
  • Fairness Opinions
  • Research Coverage and Reports
  • Assistance in helping smaller companies make markets through our strategic partner, RBC Correspondent Services.

For larger transactions in which broader distribution is desirable, we offer our clients access to our network of the country’s leading national and regional investment banking firms which provide traditional underwriting and advisory services.

CT&C Banking Services Division

Carter, Terry & Company Banking Services Division was created to offer discount brokerage services, mutual funds, annuities and participation in private placements to community banks throughout the Southeast.

We view a bank’s decision to offer non-traditional bank investments as a long-term commitment. Therefore, the partner you select to help offer these products and services must compliment the way you envision your program’s development. A major consideration should be whether your partner will become a competitor as both entities grow.

Our emphasis is on customer confidentiality, excellent training, superior products and a high level of compensation for your bank’s services. We feel that the success of our program is derived from our ability to help banks offer non-traditional banking services in the same professional manner as traditional banking services. We believe that the combination of this quality service and a variety of products can make your bank the most comprehensive and price-competitive provider in the financial services industry.

Carter, Terry & Company has developed an in-depth support program that includes training your employees and assisting you in all phases of marketing. This not only ensures a successful program, but gives you and your bank a high degree of comfort in offering these new products and services.

Currently Listed Private Placements

Carter, Terry & Company, Inc. is an investment banking and full service brokerage firm with offices in Atlanta and the Southeast. We offer investors the opportunity to participate in early stage, high growth, private companies, located primarily the Southeast. We are involved with opportunities in wireless communications technology, Internet commerce, software information systems and in health care related companies.

Private equity investments offer unique opportunities for participation in industry groups which should experience high growth through an early stage investment in the private company at valuation levels which are attractive relative to those currently available in publicly-traded securities.
We would welcome your interest in receiving further information regarding investments in private equities. You may contact us via fax at 404-364-2156 or e-mail (attention: Tim Terry).

Contact Us

Carter, Terry & Company, Inc. Carter, Terry & Company, Inc. Carter, Terry & Company, Inc.
3060 Peachtree Rd, NW Suite 1200, Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: 404-364-2070404-364-2070   •   FAX: 404-364-2079